Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

marriage life


people are asking me, "how's marriage life?"

well.... I think not much difference... =D jadi kadang suka bingung juga jawabnya, hehe. soalnya kl dibilang happy, ya emang happy. tapi kan sebelom merid pun juga happy? ya sama aja lah, bedanya cuman sekarang ada yg disamping.

Tadi pagi bangun, bersyukur ama Tuhan for my hubbie. for his understanding, patiance and lovingness. for his 'reseness', 'tengilness' n 'benceknoness' which make my life more interesting =)

I'm lucky my hubbie is very loving. walau suka gue usilin, gue 'usro'in, di sempilin, di iritate, hehe.

Yes... the difference is that I have someone yg stuck with me now. haha.
the good thing is that I'm content with him. bayangin mereka yg merid trus nyesel, ataw ga content.... for their whole life.... jadi inget, my sis once told me, "merid ama orang yg kita cintain aja udah susah. gimana kl meridnya without love???"

~Don't marry someone you can live with
marry one you cannot live without~

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