Besok acara lamaran.... malam ini yent uda cape bener. Abis pagi2 peletakan batu pertama, Ud n me langsung ke Balikpapan. Nyampe Samarinda lagi uda malem.
Malemnya, baruuu aja mata ini mo pejem, Ud nelpon with a bad news.....boxes untuk taruh cookies2 lamarannya ketinggalan. OMG!! rasanya jadi ga bisa bobo lagi... udah gitu ya yent doa deh... supaya ada solusinya. Trus juga supaya besok cuacanya cerah. Ga taunya abis doa malah hujan... hu hu hu... ya udah lah.... mo gimana? apapun cuaca besok, atas ijin Tuhan... berserah aja.
Pagi2 Yent uda bangun..mata masi berat, badan masi cape ..cuman I cant sleep any longer..mau ga mau bangun deh.... pelan2 get ready... so this is the day..this is the day..itu yg keep repeating in my mind... ga tau juga rasanya apa...ada rasa tegang yg pasti...seneng..terharu...tegang lagi...n tegang lagi =p ga biasa biasanya deh yeyent bisa tegang..biasa si aku paling nyante n cuek... kali ini koq bisa2nya tegang...tapi ga ditunjukkin lah...yg ada sok ngurus ini itu supaya ga tambah gugup, he he.
But after all, semua berjalan lancar bgt koq...
pagi2 Ud n c' Lia dah ngider2 nyari boxes buat cookies n they found it... n kotaknya bagus2 aja..kirain bakal horrible, he he taunya bagus2 aja glad (walaupun kata papa Ud yg ketinggalan di Malang tuh labi bagus =p)
hujan juga berhenti....yang ada cuaca malah jadi enakkk bgt...sejuk...cerah...malah kata my grandpa bagus kl malam sebelumnya ujan...jadi cuaca hari ini malah enak ^^ huhuy.. emang God is so good, koq! He is the best!
I'm glad it all went so well... malah lebih lancar dari perkiraanku... makanannya juga mostly bikinan sendiri..... seneng bgt deh... semua juga mau involved bantuin.... Oh ya...ada 1 kejadian yg menarik bgt pas acara lamaran ini, hi hi hi..... My aunts in laws yg pada jahil n tengil godain si Rudy... kita bilang tradisi orang hokjia tuh kl lagi lamaran, lakinya kudu di cat kuku2nya... =D n Rudy percaya aja there he was..pasang kuku tangannya untuk gue cat warna.... MERAH DARAH, heuhaehaua *ngakak guling-guling* sorrie hun =p asli seru deh ^^
here is a list of thanks :
Yang pasti thanks God yg udah being there for me 24/7, denger semua doa, jawab semua doa, temenin yent, berkatin yent, semua semuanya!
1. My parents ~ thanks buat semuanya... support n love... and thanks mom mau repod2...lagi, hehe
2. Ud's parents ~ yang udah mau dateng ngelamar jauh2 dari Malang n bela2in bawa cookies n boxes segala, padahal kita udah bilang ga usah aja (walao boxesnya ketinggalan, =p)
3.Ko Andy's Fam ~ uda dateng... buat c Lia juga thanks buat masukan2nya n repod2nya.. really appreciate it... Jotesh n Arlene yg uda excited buat ke rumah ii Yeyent, hehe
4.Ii Cen & GMT ~ udah jadi sie. repod yg banyak kasi masukan n bantuan thanks bgt ya... nti giliran den2 yeyent bantuin de, he he he (masi lama ya??)
5. Ngiama ~ thank u bgt buat masakan2nya...YUMMYYYYY....
6. King Mer ~ thanks buat babi merahnya ya... hihi. sering2 donk
7. King Inge ~ yg udah stay ga balik Bpp n udah bantu foto2 n kerjain Uud ^^ thanks juga buat Kiu Nyo n GMT yg kasi ijin , he he
8. King Sher ~ juga thanks buat bantu2in yeyent pas acara, thx ya King
Last but not least, thanks to my family yg udah datang, support n bantuin.... thank u bgt ya semua..... May God bless u ^^
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Important dates...
alrite.... sebenernya mo posting ini few days ago...tapi sibuk jadi ga semped2...
anyway.... Senin kemaren (11/02/2008) Ud n me baru peletakan batu pertama in our future home loh ^^ so proud of him (ya iya lah.... =p)
Trus, abis dari Villa Tamara Ud n me langsung ke Balikpapan... ngapain ke Bpp?? nah ini dia.... =D
Kita maw jemput parentsnya, ko Andy, c Lia, Arlene n Joseph.... yeyent mo di lamar ni =p hihihi
excited, nervous, malu2 kucing, campur aduk dah jadi 1
So, I'm formally proposed on 12/02/2008 ^^
Ya sebenernya si, Rudy sendiri uda proposed yent on the 20th Sept' 2007... and that means a lot to me... tapi as his family has come, berarti keluarga besar uda ketemu ^^ nah gimana acara n gimana feelingnya?? next blog I will tell u ^^
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Journey
Ok, now I want to share a little about my journey with dearest hubby to be.
We met around 2005 at youth service in church, and became closer since Summer Holiday retreat at Batu. Its just a natural thing for us to bond and connected since we shared the same interest in music, in lifestyle even gossip about celebrities =p We can talk about mostly anything. By then we were close friends who enjoyed each other companion. Nothing more and nothing less. But that time, I was having relationship with another guy
In 2006, my relationship ended. Rumored spread that it ended because of a third party ~ Rudy.
That's so ridiculously untrue!
When I broke up, most of my 'friends' seems to distant away... but he stayed close.
Most of my environment cant understand why I broke up and cornered me...he tried to understand
That and many more understanding & encouraging conversations that bonds us even closer.
I'm such a complicated n complex girl... I don't easily fall in love with a guy...
but it's so easy to fall in love with him...
He is sweet....yet annoying ^^
He is hardworking at working hour....but after that, he lives in his own time (lelet =p)
He is humorist....but at times he can be really serious, doesnt care to pick up a fight and a rebel ( especially when he is hungry! )
He is so full of life and has many dimensions of personality that others cant see... he is a type of guy which makes me laugh even if I dont wanna smile... makes me angry and cry then forgive him and back to cuddling again.
He is an answered prayer...
Thanks for always trying to understand me and my complexness
thanks for listening to me and even my whining ^^
thanks for annoying n irritating me ~ make my days more colourful
thanks for coming into my life....
I love you.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Here we go...
So, here is the 1st posting I make...
well...ini cuman out of rasa penasaran gue ama blog aja si...and kayanya seru kali ya kl semua preparations n feeling2 gue sebelum married gue jot down disini..buat kenang2an, jadi someday kl lagi mo inget2 detailsnya ada blog ini ^^
oh, juga buat temen2 yg diluar kota, negri and my sis...
pinginnya si ada kalian supaya bisa bantu prepare2, tapi susah...pada jauh2. So, with this blog, walaupun ga directly involved kalian tapi kalian tau details2nya, indirectly u guys udah involved...any comments or ideas will be most welcome ya....
Last but not least...sorry buat keterbatasan gue dalam writing skill gue ya..apalagi bahasanya belepotan Indo campur English...^^ but isn't that juz the way I am? belepotan...., hihihi...
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