There are two stripes in my test pack ;) hehe
yes, it's a positive. I have even checked it @ a lab, and it is positive :)
I can't help but smile the whole day.
So, the 'uninvited every month guest' is late this month. But is normal, isn't it. It should come real soon, or so I guess because I had these stomach and leg cramps every night. I was sleepy for 2 days, days and night.. but again I thought it was because I woke up too early to work and anyway, I love sleeping :p One day at my grandma, I was very very hungry around 5.30 PM. unusual, but nothing cross my mind. Somehow, its already late by a week. and the cramps wouldn't go away. I jokingly said to Rudy, if it is not the menstruation, must be the pregnancy. I must be pregnant. But, that was just a crazy joke we shared. and because on Friday morning Rudy had to fly to Jakarta, so we decided to buy another test pack.
On Thursday morning, I sleepily took the test. well, to be honest I was expecting a stripe. cos, the few times I tested, it was ALWAYS a stripe. I took the test this time just to make sure its another a stripe and I would be 'see, a stripe rite? nothing to worry'. but then, 2 stripes appeared. fast and clear. and I was there, in the toilet, stunned and ... stunned...
walked slowly back to the bed, showed it to my sleeping dodol, and he was like... urmmmm read the instruction and we prayed. yes, he tried not too be overjoyed :( cos, he's afraid its a wrong alarm...haiyah. So we went to the lab and checked... and its positive. see husband! you should be overjoyed, so happy with me on the first alarm... on the second one just to ensure you, its not that surprising anymore, isn't it?? dodol! hehehe
we prayed, I had tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe it. God trusted us with the little baby. I can't thank You God, enough.
Only in You, I surrender our health and well-being.