Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Conversation on the phone between me and my mom...
y: mom, do you mind if I book my own room for our holidae in Bali?
m: why not? so Zenia and the rest are going to stay together with u guys in Harris??
y: eh? No... they plan to stay at other place.
m: huh?? then?
y: the room is only for me n ud
m: what? what a waste of money??!! It's going to be quite pricy, why not stay with us??
y: well... it's ok, we still can afford lah. ud feels a bit uncomfy, anyway...
m: OooOOooo... he feels uncomfy because we're paying, is it?? well, let him pays for the room and let us stay with you then...
y: !!!!???!!!!????!!!! *speechless*
Monday, April 27, 2009
feeling Blue, Mellow, Yellow
Being in Samarinda can be something really challenging. Especially for someone that is so used being in the big city like myself. The things I love being in Samarinda are :
- I can hang out with my family. We are so closed to each other. I'm surrounded by my big, fun family 100. There are always so many stories over the weekends and of course if we gather, foods will be provided, too, kekeke.
- no heavy traffic jam. going anywhere is still nearby.
- I have a HOME here
- hmmm, what else?? I think that's about it!! can u imagine????
So, here I am feeling blue. mellow yellow. I miss my sister. I miss my cousin, ce ponk. I miss Lisa, bertha, rio, Sandra. I even miss my in-laws!! haha, weird. but yes, I really do miss them. I want to spend time having fun with them :( It's not that I dun have a great time with Uud, It's just different with friends, rite??
:( I might really think about somewhere else to live, huh? perhaps Surabaya like Zen recommended? So if we're gonna travel, it's easier for us? hehe. weleh2 be te bener kalau blue gini ye? Zen, nti di Bali hibur daku ya?? kikikiki :D
So sorry to hear that ur dad passed away. be strong, Don. I hope you'll be fine and your father will rest peacefully.
We will never be ready to be departed from someone we love. So, while you have the chance, make sure those you love, know that you love them. Don't ever take them for granted. I'm always wretched to hear 'passed away news' I think, I will never, ever be ready or even able to face it. My gosh....
I love you, all...
Nicole's Update
Yesterday afternoon, she was better. She became her usual bubbly, happy self. she ate, she sang, she talked, she played, I even managed to wash her hair. Then her fever went high again at night. It was so high that it scared me. She became so quiet and so weak. she just lied on a mattress and closed her eyes. she breathe heavily. hiks. I thought of bringing her to hospital, already (hiperbola juga, hehe) But then, I decided to wait for one more day.
But then, today when I visitted her, she is ok already. she is bubbly. she is happy. she watched tv, she played with me, she even study! kekeke. so happy for her. I think she lost some weight, though. her bootylicious is not that 'spongy' anymore, haha! :p
get better, dear.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Abused princess
Gini hari makin gile aja ya?? Menyambung post ku ttg "any comments" nih lagi ada berita heboh di infotainment lately.
Sapa lagi kalau bukan Manohara Odelia Pinot. A very young Indonesian model who got married with Kelatan Royalty, Malaysia. Yup, she is married to a prince. She is only 16,5 years old when she got married and now is at a tender age of 17, ck ck ck. Seems to have a glamorous life. Secara dia princess gitu loh! Berangkat kemana mana aje naik jet pribadi! But what happened?? Her mom is not even allowed to see her. The news said that she is being abused by her prince charming. Charming my ass! Poor Manohara. Very young, very beautiful, very charming and have to suffer at her tender age. Mana sekarang kasusnya jadi tambah melebar lagi. Orang Indo ama Malaysians jadi hina2an di beberapa forum blogs. Blom lagi kasusnya yg bener ini sebenernya gimana?? Apa bener si Mano ini disiksa? Ada yg bilang mamanya Mano ini penipu segalalah. Kasian deh. Kalau gue sih, yah, sembarang deh mau nipu apa kaga, tapi mama ga boleh ketemu anaknya kesian aje. Kalau emang ga ada apa2, si Mano ini kaga disiksa, kenapa ga bole ketemu coba?
Yah itu lah ye… masi muda udah merid?? Happy2 dulu, nikmatin masa muda napa?? Emang si mamanya si Mano ini bilang buat respect the royal family. Ga boleh ngomong 'NO' ke raja, itu penghinaan. Ok, dia emang ga dikasih pilihan. Tapi buat mama-mama lain yang ada pilihan, ngapain sih anak lo mau lo kawinin muda2??? Takut ditinggal lari cowonya ya? Kl mpe ini cowo kaga mau nungguin anak lo gedean kan salah dicowonya?? Heran deh? Kalau anak lo ngebet pingin merid cepet2, dinasehatin kek?? Hari gini kawin ceped2?? Emangnya ga mau nuntut ilmu dulu? Cobain kerja? Main2 ama temen? Jalan2 keluar kota kek, ke luar negri kek ama temen2?? Itu seru coi?!! perluas kandidat2 cowomu? hihihi
Weleh weleh…. Kalian heran kali ye? Ngapain juga gue bawel masala orang mo kawin muda? Secara itu kan urusan orang masing2, he he he, iya sih…. Emang gue ga against gimana2 banget koq, cuman kadang heran aja. Suka gemes liatnya… haha. Kasian aja, nti kalau kedepannya cewenya regret kawin muda kan kasian kaum wanita juga, ya ga? =D kaya si Mano ini, awalnya dia seneng. Dia mau merid ama ini prince. Pastinya dia bahagia n flattered lah ya?? Tapi blom setaon dah stress abis dia =( kesian. Nah, gue pingin cewe2 tuh mikir mateng2 aja sebelon merid, ok gals?
Poor Nicole
She vomitted while she was schooling. then the teacher sent her to rest, but when the teacher tried to look for her, she wasnt resting.... guess what she was doing??
she was... eating!! yes, eating! haha... sighhhh... what a good apetite, haha. she said she was hungry after the vomit, lol.
But last night, she lost her apetite, already. she was very quiet. My mom had to spoonfeed her. Ooo, my poor baby girl... (nicole is already like my own baby)
may you get well soon!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Nu' Hair
Si Dudul
Despite the heavy flooding, Nicole dodol is going to have mathematics test, tomorrow. here she is, studying and relaxing with her uncle dudutz. what a nice way to study! also, she recently learned how to cut her nails. she did it on her own and also help uncle to cut his.
For info, for the past 3 days, there was no electricity at my parents house. can u imagine?? 3 days straight without electricity from morning to night???!!! my gosh! Luckily my parents do have a gen set. So, my grandparents, aunts, uncles and also cousins sleepover at my parents house. ck ck ck....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang...
It's Kartini's Day. (Kartini is a hero who fought for women's right) Although, everywhere is flooded, I still tried my best to go to school as we celebrated it. (for your info I am a kindergarten teacher :P) The teachers have to wear kebaya today. So here I post some pics of mine wearing my mom's kebaya.
The children dressed so nicely and cute! they had a contest. too bad, I didn't get the chance to take their pictures :(
Well, I am glad we don't have to wear kebaya as daily clothing anymore. It's SO HARD for me to walk, also today I wore heels, and it's killing me... the pain for being pretty, haha!
Thanks to Kartini, women now can have the sime right to have education, to work not only to stay at home, cook, look after children and get wasted.
Selamat Hari Kartini, all
Monday, April 20, 2009
Samarinda kota banjir part II
samarinda ini gimana toh??? payah ini...udah mati lampu'an!!!
sekarang BANJIRnya PARAH, RAH, RAH!!! Urghhhh.......
Gila sih kali ini punya banjir.. biasa juga banjir tapi lom separah ini! Ini sampe daerah yg biasa lumayan aman, udah pada banjir semua, udah tinggi. (sukurlah rumahku masi aman walaupun toko si dodol kali ini udah banjir masuk sekitar 30cm and masi naik2 terus.)
Aku BETE. tadi siang maw ke Bank. gara2 banjir, jalanan pada macet and lumpuh! jadilah bank'nya keburu tutup. padahal kita cuman telat 5 minutes!!! rese tuh bank, ga tau orang kesusahan! ya udah, pergi makan siang deh. ehhh makan siangnya juga lauknya dah tinggal dikit, sambelnya abis pula, ugh *gerutu, gerutu, gerutu* dah gitu mau pulang nih. yang biasa pulang lancar, sekarang took almost 2 hours juz to get back home!!! Shit! udah panas! macet! AC di mobil si dodol pake acara rusak segala lagi, Argjhhhhhh....... bikin stress......... aduhhhhhh..... kalau kaya gini jadi pingin pindah kota aje dah.......
- lasik!!! penting nih tapi abisnya mahal bisa berjuta2, yg punya pengalaman lasik, share dunk, abis berapa, lasik dimana, etc.... (yg aku cek both eyes ada yg 13jt ada yg 19jt huuueeee??)
- gen set ~ secara samarinda ini kan KOTA MATI LAMPU!!! ugh... kapan majunya ini kota? dah mati lampu mulu, banjir pula, dah gitu mau cari apa2 susah, Grrrr.... ( yg kita incer 3jt'an)
- brankas ~ jadi bisa nyimpan2 barang dirumah selain di bank :) (masi lomcek harga)
- Lap top ~ another important wish... so I dun have to share lappy with ud dodol lagi... he he (ini yg kutanya kira2 7-8 jt'an, ckck ck)
- TV ~ si uud lagi cari2 tv buat games roomnya nih... yg 37" pula (ini nih... siap2 another 8-10jt lagi kayanya)
- Sofa buat games room masi 50% nih bayarnya, another 50% kudu dibayar, jombrot deh (sofanya 5.5jt itu juga pas dapet harga promo)
- Sound system, kerjaan si dodol nih yg gaya2 mau pake sound system segala (harga yg dia taksir si mahal, bose... tapi kayanya gaya doank deh, ntar2annya pasti carinya yg lebi murah, hehe)
aduhhhh duhhh duhhh duhhhh.... bakal banyak sekali pengeluarannya :( be te deh, hiks hiks mana abis gini masi mau ke bali pula ama big fam.... pusing kl mikir so much money to be spendnya..... puyeng puyeng... makanya kalau ada yg mau transfer duit, haYuUUUuuukkkk!!! heuhuehehue. bye bye gucci bag, bye2 bottegaku, bye bye LV... yeyent puasa beli tas dulu!!! kapan2 baru aku kalap n beli2 kalian lagi yeee.... menderitanya puasa blanja tas n spatu :(
Ud (u) : mau mam apa yent??
Yent (y) : tau ah... sembarang deh... ga gitu laper, rada males makan....
u : lo ga makan loh seharian???
y : tadi makan cakwe sih di ngiama (grandma), hihihi
u: alah, alahhh pantesan aja....
(nyampe di depot mahakam)
u : aku pesen sate ayam ma nasi putih aja ah....
y : (lagi sibuk kasi order ke mas'nya) bakso ga pake mie, pake kuah sop buntut ya, mas. trus 1 nasi goreng ga pake teh tawar 2!
la la la la....
(makanan dateng, Uud kaget bin heran)
u : gini nih yang ga mau makan???
y : he he he... kan makannya dibagi2 ama kamu, Ud??? :p (ngelesss...)
terus menggelembunglah kau, yent! hiks hiks hiks.... help....!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
lil' uncle n older niece
Friday, April 17, 2009
nah, this is my living room. I bought the sofabed sometimes ago, itended to put it in the games room, but too bulky so we moved it to the living room. harga bagus,bahan empuk tapi kainnya ga enak, panas. ntar mau ku ganti ah. I got the carpet in Mangga Dua, Jakarta. murah bgt. biasanya karpet gede gini bisa sampe 1 or 2 jutaan. but, I had it for Rp. 850.000,- murah ya??? :)
ini juga masi in the living room. biasanya kalau ranjang udah dibersihin, aku nonton tv disini deh. foto2 diatas dijepret dede pas prewed. trus tv samsung series 4, 32" nya bonus dari kerjaan uud, mayannnnnnnnn........ he he he.
last but not least, this is my super comfy bed, where I spend most of my times at, kekekeke.
yah kamarnya udah ada lah dari awal, cuman blom semped kefoto-foto aja. nah di kesempatan ini cailah sekalian aku mau thanks Ivana yang udah kasi aku duvet cover ama pillow and bolster cover buat wedding giftku. sizenya tepat, warnanya gue suka, bahannya enak bgt. lembut n dingin. berguna bgt! jadinya gue hemat bener deh :) cuman tinggal nambahin bedsheet yg matching, voila!
Samarinda kota banjir
air pasang, banjir. ujan deres dikit, banjir. untunglah daerah rumahku bukan daerah banjir, jadi aku ga perlu stress menghadapi banjir....
tadi siang, abis lunch, Ud anterin aku pulang. dah tau juga banjir, pas lewat kubangan air, dia ngebut. soalnya mau buru2 balik kantor. walhasil nyipratlah air2 itu kemana-mana. yg kesiannya nih, ada bapak ibu lagi boncengan naik motor. wahhhhh.... dengan sukses mereka kena cipratan tuh. bukan cuman kena bajunya, tapi sampe kemukanya, ck ck ck. mau ketawa, kesian juga, tapi lucu iya juga, hehe. nasibmu pak, bu....
maapin suamiku yang dodol ya pak, bu....hihihi
Thursday, April 16, 2009
daily activities
well.... *feeling a lil' guilty*.....a lot actually.... but mostly is just slacking around :p
- I wake up quite late in the morning- which is something I can't do when my mom is around, hehe. also nope around mother in-law ;p hey! I'm not an early person... I need my sleep very badly ~ serious! last year when I had to wake up really early (6 am) to teach was really a torture for me :(
- then usually I just lie on my very comfortable bed, 'muled2', watching tv, lazing around
- continued by brushing my teeth, washing my face, cleaning the house. by that I mean, tidying my bed, sweeping and mopping the floor. tv is still on, sometimes I stopped to watch.. and then take a bath and wash my hair.
- if the weather is sunny, I wash my clothes and dry it, if not then skip this part
- then I put on my regular make up. a lil' powder here and there. blush on and combing the hair.
- then I'll just watch infotainment or any tv programme or just read books and wait for hubby. then it's either I cook lunch or we eat outside.
- then mostly, I accompany rudy to the bank, if not we just drive around for a while then back home.
- then slacking continue... watch tv, or read book, or teach my lil' niece and cousins or go to my parents house to chit chat.
- then back home to cook or to wait for uud to take me out to eat :) and of course to shower again
- last activity, again slacking, watching dvds or playing xbox, watching tv, updating my blog, cuddling, sleep.
- Udz, who never complain about my long hour sleep, and late wake up. eventhough for most days he has to wake up earlier than me, haha
- also for him, who is not used to eat breakfast :) so I dun have to struggle to wake up early and also cook breakfast for him, :p
- living just the two of us in our own home
- well, gotta be grateful to udz who never complain on my laziness
- being able to have lunch and dinner together almost everyday
- having a laid-back partner
- udz can always be counted in doing house chores, always being helpful
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our Simple Lunch
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Here comes Nicole...
Let me introduce you to this silly, little niece of mine.
Name : Nicole Eleanore Lee
Nick name : Nicole/otong/dudul/dudutz/otong selebor/xin-xin -whichever you prefer :p
Age : 6 yrs old
character : silly, funny, adorable, sweet, very ladylike, gentle, understanding, wise, think like an old lady, could be very talkative but could be very shy, too. very sweet girl with her princess dream.
walking speed : SUPERRRR slow ~ my very pregnant cousin said that Nicole is a good companion, coz when everybody else walk ahead of her, Nicole is surely by her side, haha!
Running speed : Hmmm.... better guess for yourself :p
Talents : *) She could taste food better than me or anyone else. when it's not good, she doesn't want to finish the food. But if it is good, she will finish it in a blink or ask for more. and that starts since she was a baby!
*) It's very easy if you want her to go to sleep. like in the picture. So I asked her to take a nap, and she gave me a lot, lot of reasons, she's not sleepy lah, she still wants to play lah, bla bla bla, so I asked her to finish up her homework first, then she can go and play. As it was a hot day, she chose to do it on the floor. soon after she lied on the floor, she slept! Yes, just ask her to study and she'll fall asleep soon after. I wonder whose habit is it she takes after, huh SIS?? *wink* Like mother, like daughter!
Well, I will post more of her stories. cos' I think if I post my stories all the way, it would soon be boring. also, Nicole's mommy is all the way in US while she is in Indonesia, living with my parents (and me before I moved out). This can help her mommy to know a lot more about her daily activities, too. alrite, more of Nicole is coming... keep on reading :)
Happy Easter Day
Hmmm...I dunno how many have I watched Passion Of The Christ, but it always move me. Just like now, while watching it, again it has move me.
I can't understand why on earth would He loves us so much? what's so great about us? why should He??
liat aja semua siksaannya.
- Dia dipermalukan didepan umum
- Dia dianggap sebersalah-salahnya sampai Dia harus dihukum dengan hukuman yg paling hina, kejam, memalukan (Padahal Dia adalah yang SEBENAR-BENARNYA!!) paradoks sekali...
- Dia harus di'khianati' sama orng2 terdekatnya
- Dia harus dicambuk... bukan dipecut tapi dicambuk. dan cambuknya itu bukan cambuk biasa melainkan cambuk yg ujung2nya terbuat dari sort of paku... kayu meja aja bisa tercabik.... bayangkan kulit dan dagingNya.... yes, di 'POTC' itu semua terkoyak....
- Ada yg pernah kasitau yent, Yesus turun kedunia menjadi manusia. tapi Dia masi ada kemaha kuasaanNya. jadi pada saat Dia disiksa, sebenarnya bisa saja Dia menghentikan itu semua. ataupun Dia bisa aja membuat diriNya sendiri untuk tidak merasa sakit. but no, Dia tetap melawati itu semua tanpa kata2 yg bisa menjatuhkanNya dalam dosa :(
- di film 'POTC' juga, mamanya Yesus ada mengatakan "Putraku kapan kamu akan MEMILIH untuk melewati semua siksaan ini??" tapi Dia tetap memilih untuk melawati ini semua
- seperti point ke-2, sedih banget rasanya kalau tau pada saat itu banyak sekali, mungkin hampir semua orang merasa Dia ini salah, berdosa. Temen2, kalau kita yg diposisi itu, bagaimana kita bersikap? aku sendiri ga berani membayangkannya.... kita lebih sering melihat apa yg dipermukaan. kita terlalu banyak mikir apa yg akan orang nilai? orang cap? bukan apa yg akan Dia nilai.... jadi kita jadi fake bgt. kasi kesan cuman ke manusia. kadang kita bikin kelalaian, but since semua manusia merasa itu wajar, ga papa, ga perlu terlalu kritis juga kan sama sesama? itu membuat kita merasa it's ok..... atau kita ga berani melakukan sesuatu yg bertentangan ama dunia ini karna takut di cap macam2... how sad??
Dear God, forgive me if all these while, I've let You down for many, many times. I've not been obidient. I've not seek You, enough. I've forgotten that instead of relying on You, I've relied on myself... Forgive me, Lord... forgive my sins. Amen.
My dear friends, Happy Easter day. Please remember everything that He had done for us. everything that He'd been through. May God bless us.
Friday, April 10, 2009
I'm so tired
As today is holiday, Rudy and I did a MASSIVE CLEANING of the house. every glasses of my house is free from dirt, the clothes are washed and ironed, the floor is super clean... every single thing we cleaned! yay!
I love it.
thanks God, Rudy is someone who always more than happy to help me clean the house. He almost always bring me a glass of water every single night. He doesn't mind to take turn to do chores. for this I love him.
BUT, also... sometimes he gives me 'heartless' comments. like this evening. I just had a haircut. and I don't really like it. I told the hairdresser what I wanted, but sometimes it turns out differently. so, I'm quite unhappy with the new cut. and he said "mabbe u didnt tell the lady how to cut it" WHAT??? now it's my mistake??? and when I told him,"yah, I told her already" he said "you scold her, then??!!" Haizzzz.... like if i scold her it's gonna change anything??
That's my hubby.... but aniwae, when I got home,I cut my hair a lil' bit more. he he he. I'll see what I can do about it, then.
okay people,I juz wanna wish everyone out there "HAPPY EASTER DAY"
any comments??
Sometimes I wonder, why do people (especially girls) want to get married so fast??
When I had my marriage counselling, my counsellor disagree with marriage at such a young stage. and I wonder more on how could her mom let her marry so early?? so young?? the girl is not that matured, yet, the girl got striked by love bugs too hard, OKAY ..but mom??
I'm not talking about those who get married by accident.... if that's the case, well what can you say about it?? I'm talking about those who get married by their own will. and I'm not saying that girls who married later will have a more stable relation. All I'm saying is the 'time' she gets married. Couldn't she wait a lil' longer? when she is over 20??
I know some people who get married so young.
My cousin gets married when she just turn 20 (wow!)
I know a friend who get married when both the boy and the girl were still in their teenage. now they have a baby and both are not 20, yet.
I know a girl who didn't even finish her high school when it's only left by a few months before she had her last examinations. yes, she couldn't wait untill she graduate and it's only a few more months... what a waste. and guess what, she is divorced now... in a pregnant state! and it's not even a year, yet since her wedding day. horrible.
I know a friend who get married when she was 19. and yes, divorced with a child. get abused. and also the ex-husband still owes her dad and her a LOT, LOT, LOT of money.... poor thing.
and I also know a high school girl who just turn 17 this year and now is preparing her marriage. yes, she is going to get married as soon as she finish her school, this year.
well... many can last everlastingly in their marriage even if she is young. and also many fail in their marriage even if she is older. no doubt about that. But, you should enjoy your time to the max, grabs ever oppurtunity out there, work, broaden your networking, have many many more friends, take your time, know your guy better, know yourself better, prepare yourself, have fun, have fun and have fun. cos it's different if you're married. and will be much more different if you already have a child.
No offense here, if you happen to read this. and you're in this condition. :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
never ending Questions...
but there're just some questions that are so ' ARGGGHHHhhhHH...' - frustating
early teens : "U have a bf already???" ( not to mention the ' I have a son ... would like to introduce to you, interested or not??)
then when you already have a bf, it becomes : "SO, when are you two getting merried???????" and that could be over and over and OVER again..... (zen aja mpe kebal yah, zen???)
at some point, u do get merried. SO it becomes : "are you pregnant, yet?? , "udah isi?" , when r u planning to have baby???" and all sorts of questions that implies to that question.
and YES... im bein asked those again n again... getting tired. well I know people cares. Close friend or family asking would still be fine. they do care. but some ask just for the sake of 'askin'
ahhhh.... that is tiring, hehe. no offense :p
yeah... I delayed having a baby. not becoz I dun like baby. I like them... but sure I hate the 'fugly' one, haha. again, I like babies. it's just.. the responsibilty mabbe that cos me to dread having them so soon... I still wanna be carefree. I want to travel here and there. I still want to cuddle up with Ud. still cant get enuff of him... still want my beauty sleep. cant picture myself being pregnant with the huge belly... in fact, dont want to picture it :( afraid of the labor.... most importantly, I'm scared I'll become 1 of those mommies who nags a lot... depressed, feeling unloved.... becoming not 'fun' n 'cool' animore. ugh, I'll hate myself if I turn that way :(
but last month, I gathered up my guts.... well, so from this tiny gathered up guts, I THINK... mabbe Im ok to have a baby now. I THINK I'm more ready now. I could afford to take care a baby and lose my beauty sleep. I THINK it's time to face it....
so, let me cross my fingers......... will u be seeing my 'junior' soon??? HMMMmmmmmm
I feel weird talking about me wanting to have a baby.... ugh
Friday, April 3, 2009
so gini ceritanya, kemaren2 ini aku baru dari 2 weeks holidae ke jkt bandung ama anak2. dah gitu dari sono balik ke smd dengan pundi2 yg udah menipis.
nah sebenernya kitanya juga ada undangan merid di surabaya abis gitu. jadi pas mau ke sby ini mikir2 deh... pegi ga yah?? pegi ga ya?? tapi keadaan sedang krisis juga.... tapi ini juga a good friend, pastinya dia seneng if we can make it. so how?? at the very last minute, akhirnya kita decided to go, karna ini temen. kl masalah duit masi bisa dicari. kita merid pun dia dateng. lagian harusnya kita mah kaga jalan ke jkt tapi save buat pegi ke weddingnya dia, jadi salah sendiri kalau bokek. ya udah, off we go to Surabaya.
pas pulangnya, grandpa gue yg tengil bin isenk nyeletuk... "ya lah.... abisin duit aja terus, yaaa"
idihhhhhh........ ya ngerti si kalau dia itu cuman nyeletuk isenk, tapi cant deny aku jadi annoyed...
yeee, yg mau abisin duit itu loh siapa?? lagian kalau kita sampe pergi pun pasti ada alasan n udah menghitung keuangan lah yaaaa.... bokek hooh, tapi ga bikin trus ga bisa makan atau jadi minta2 ini kan?? lagian bukannya itu uang, uangnya kita sendiri?? heran koq orang2 ini.
dah selesai uneg2nya, feel much better now, haha