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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Poor Nicole

Nicole is sick. yupz, poor her, she is having a fever. doctor said "itu gejala tifus".

She vomitted while she was schooling. then the teacher sent her to rest, but when the teacher tried to look for her, she wasnt resting.... guess what she was doing??
she was... eating!! yes, eating! haha... sighhhh... what a good apetite, haha. she said she was hungry after the vomit, lol.

But last night, she lost her apetite, already. she was very quiet. My mom had to spoonfeed her. Ooo, my poor baby girl... (nicole is already like my own baby)
may you get well soon!


fong said...

woa...nicole gejalatyphus...duh kasian bgt...skrg gmana yent, masi lemes ato dah get better ?

Ruyent said...

kalau kemaren dia masi lemes bgt, tapi hari ini udah baikan ce