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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here comes Nicole...

Let me introduce you to this silly, little niece of mine.

Name : Nicole Eleanore Lee

Nick name : Nicole/otong/dudul/dudutz/otong selebor/xin-xin -whichever you prefer :p

Age : 6 yrs old

character : silly, funny, adorable, sweet, very ladylike, gentle, understanding, wise, think like an old lady, could be very talkative but could be very shy, too. very sweet girl with her princess dream.

walking speed : SUPERRRR slow ~ my very pregnant cousin said that Nicole is a good companion, coz when everybody else walk ahead of her, Nicole is surely by her side, haha!

Running speed : Hmmm.... better guess for yourself :p

Talents : *) She could taste food better than me or anyone else. when it's not good, she doesn't want to finish the food. But if it is good, she will finish it in a blink or ask for more. and that starts since she was a baby!

*) It's very easy if you want her to go to sleep. like in the picture. So I asked her to take a nap, and she gave me a lot, lot of reasons, she's not sleepy lah, she still wants to play lah, bla bla bla, so I asked her to finish up her homework first, then she can go and play. As it was a hot day, she chose to do it on the floor. soon after she lied on the floor, she slept! Yes, just ask her to study and she'll fall asleep soon after. I wonder whose habit is it she takes after, huh SIS?? *wink* Like mother, like daughter!

Well, I will post more of her stories. cos' I think if I post my stories all the way, it would soon be boring. also, Nicole's mommy is all the way in US while she is in Indonesia, living with my parents (and me before I moved out). This can help her mommy to know a lot more about her daily activities, too. alrite, more of Nicole is coming... keep on reading :)

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